The monastery of Goshavank was founded by Mkhitar Gosh, a prominent spiritual scholar, proverb writer and jurist of the Middle Ages, on the site of the Old Getik Monastery, which was completely destroyed in 1186. from an earthquake.The formation of the complex began in the 12th century. last and was completed in about a hundred years, that is why it is more unified with the architecture of the monuments included in its structure. It was originally called Nor Getik monastery, then it inherited the name of its founder – Goshavank.

Goshavank was one of the famous centers of spiritual culture and writing of the Middle Ages. Jurisprudence and historiography, philosophy, as well as arts (poetry, miniature painting, music, calligraphy) were also taught in the seminary operating here. The spiritual figures who studied here (Vanakan Vardapet, Kirakos Gandzaketsi and others), continuing the traditions of their school, then themselves created spiritual schools in other places.

Gosh village, Armenia
During the abbothood of Mkhitar Ghosh, St. Illuminator Woodakert and S. Hovhannes-Karapet small churches (not preserved), St. Astvatsatsin Church with its vestibule. The construction of the monastery continued until the 13th century. the end.

Khachkar in Goshavank Monastery, Dilijan region of Armenia
The ornament of the monument group is made by the talented stonemason-master Poghos (Pavghos) in 1291. created and S. On both sides of the entrance of Lusavorich Church, the khachkars, erected on the pedestal, are decorated with jewelry delicacy, which is why they are nicknamed “needlemaker”.
Such a khachkar is also erected in S. To the right of the entrance to the chapel called the Spirit. Being the best samples of Armenian khachkars and masterpieces of medieval Armenian jewelry art, these khachkars have received wide recognition and high appreciation.

All photos by Vardan Papikyan / 2022 November
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